All You Need To Know About Types Of Snakes

Utsav Singh
Apr 19, 2021


Snakes are dangerous because they are venomous but indeed they are one of the beautiful creations of nature.It plays an important part in maintaining pests especially rats and mice that we regard as pests. Here is the list of all types of snakes,

1.Black Mamba

Black Mamba is the deadliest snakes across the globe and seen in the regions of Eastern and Southern parts of Africa. It can grow over 14 feet in length and 3.5 pounds in weight.

2.King Cobra

King Cobra is seen in the regions of Southeast Asia and rainforests of India and southern China, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

To know more, You should read this awesome article about the types of snakes in the world



Utsav Singh

Utsav Singh is a Nature Lover and Blogger. He writes about facts and information related Nature, Earth and World on his blogs. He also owns Trippy Nature.